Sunday, June 8, 2008

Staging Packet (and Thank you's)

So we are closing in on the time to departure and once again I find myself planning my life around the mail person and when they will deliver the mail. Like an eager kid on Christmas morning, I wait and see if the Staging Packet has arrived yet. I think I will probably get it by the end of next week. When I do I will update the page with travel arrangements, and other information which would be relevant.

On a side note, I had a graduation/going away party in my hometown this past weekend and I want to tell everyone how much I appreciated you being there. I also wanted to thank everyone for the gifts and while I am sad to leave, I know everyday that the path I am on is the path I am meant to be on. There has been such a myriad of emotions throughout this process but the two which stand out the most right now are fear (of the unknown and drastic change) and excitement (for the experience and change).

Peace Out and keep on rockin'


1 comment:

Live the Life you Love, Love the Life you Live said...

I got your Thank you email, the only request I have is that you take your quilt with you (if possible).
There is nothing more enjoyable to me than to see a quilt torn and tattered with wear because someone has loved it! Plus, I can brag to my quilting circle that MY QUILT has been to Africa! :)
Blessings on every step of your journey dear!